
My interest in photography started when I was 8 years old with my first 110 cartridge camera. In high school I took photography classes which I loved. I later joined the high school yearbook and was photography editor my senior year. Now it is mostly pictures of my sons Andrew, Benjamin, and Christopher.

I started shooting with a 35 mm Nikon F3 camera then upgraded to an F100 for fast autofocus. The Fuji Finepix S2 Pro digital SLR gave me fabulous pictures at 8 x 10 inches but did not have a fast enough burst frame rate to keep up with the kids. I used the Nikon D2x for about eight years before upgrading to a Nikon D4. It is fast and has amazing pictures. Resolution is equivalent to 35 mm film. Since moving to digital photography my pictures have certainly improved.


fencing action

fencing art

galapagos 2024

japan 2023

veteran world fencing championships 2022 (some photos by FIE)

zadar, croatia 2022

yosemite 2019

yellowstone 2007

hawaii luau 2017


